Whole Child Wellness

At Dual Language Immersion North County, our TK-8 charter school was founded with a mission to teach children respect for themselves and others. Our “Whole Child” education honors the humanity of each student by ensuring a healthy, safe, engaging, and supportive learning environment. It also extends beyond the traditional, academic focus that you may find in other schools to nurture many aspects of child development - including physical wellness and social-emotional learning. 

“Dual Language Immersion North County tuition-free charter school students playing on playground”

Taking Time to Move

Beyond boosting focus in the classroom, physical activity and active play can lead to increased well-being, reduced behavioral challenges, and long-term improvements in academic performance. 

  • Getting Out of the Classroom

At DLINC we support the physical wellness of all students, and integrate movement and play time into the school day for all grades. We give our students time to move and stretch each day, through PE classes for elementary and middle school students, outdoor lunchtime, and daily recess for our younger grades. Middle school boys and girls can choose from a variety of athletic programs, including Cross Country, Soccer, Basketball and Track & Field. 

  • A New Playground - You’re Invited!

We are proud to announce that our new playground will be officially opening with a school-wide Ribbon Cutting at 3:45pm on Tuesday, August 16, followed by an ice cream social and food truck from 4-5pm. Whether you are new to our school or a long-term DLINC family, we hope you’ll join us to celebrate this wonderful addition to our campus! And be sure to stop by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) booth to sign up to help out for the coming school year - they rely on volunteers! 

  • Field Day

Each April  we celebrate the end of the school year with our popular Field Day at Camp Pendleton. Field Day brings students of all ages together to test their physical abilities and build school spirit. It’s a celebration of wellness and a fun capstone of our year together. 

  • Jog-a-Thon and Move-a-Thon

Two wellness events that we host for our students and their families each year are our October Jog-a-thon - a great community event that’s organized by our PTO - and our January Move-a-Thon, which marks the 100th day of school. Check the school calendar for details.

“Dual Language Immersion North County tuition-free charter school students eating lunch together outdoors”

Good Nutrition Grows Bodies - and Minds

Whole Child education helps each child reach their full potential, but we expect them to show up at school ready to learn. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), eating well has been shown to improve brain function, memory and concentration in young people. For example, students who eat foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals are more likely to perform better than students whose diets are heavy in unhealthy foods – such as sweets and fried foods.  Parents can support their students in developing smart eating habits by making sure they can access healthy snacks and meals. 

At DLINC we teach students how to make healthy choices by consuming a balanced diet and incorporating healthy snacks in their daily routines. We offer free breakfast and lunch for all students through a school lunch program that features locally sourced, healthy ingredients and balanced meal planning. And our public events like Jog-a-Thon and Move-a-Thon always provide participants with nutritious snacks of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Healthy Thoughts and Deeds

Our school’s culture of kindness and compassion lays a solid foundation for social emotional wellness. Our teachers and staff encourage positive relationships between students that reduce bullying and reward inclusivity. Throughout the school year, our students have opportunities to volunteer and give back to our community - through an annual kindness fundraiser, by participating in service learning projects in our community, and in campus-wide recycling and gardening programs that inspire students to care about our environment. 

At DLINC, we are giving our students the best possible start on a lifetime of physical and emotional wellness. Our empathetic learners care about themselves and the people and world around them. Find out more and enroll in our TK-8 public tuition-free charter school today!

About Dual Language Immersion North County

Dual Language Immersion North County is an award-winning TK-8 tuition-free public charter school serving students in Vista, CA. DLINC prepares bilingual students for bright futures in a multilingual world through a safe, respectful and nurturing small charter school environment.  We offer immersion education in Spanish and English and the support to ensure student success. We partner with community organizations to take learning out of the classroom, and encourage families to be closely involved in their students' learning. Join our TK-8 tuition-free public charter school today! Enrolling now.  


TK & K: We’re Here for Our Littlest Learners


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