A Parent Perspective

Families are so important at Dual Language Immersion North County (DLINC). They are our partners, working together with TK-8 teachers to support student success through regular communication and shared goals. They are our classroom helpers, volunteering as reading buddies and room parents. And they are our leaders, serving on our PTO and charter school Governing Board. But most importantly, our families are the caregivers of our students. 

To learn more about our school through a parent perspective, we recently chatted with DLINC mom Corrie Wilk. Corrie’s family joined DLINC last year and her two children are currently enrolled in TK and 1st grades. She is a former high school Spanish teacher and the founder of Mama Llama Linguist, a Spanish education blog. Here’s what she had to say!

“portrait of Dual Language Immersion North County tuition free charter school family”

Do your students like school? 

YES! They are both thriving and love going to DLINC. They are excited to go to school each day. This is a game changer since my youngest often had separation anxiety at her previous Preschool. She is doing much better this year. Both classes have excellent reward systems in place to motivate them.

Why did you choose DLINC? 

We previously had my son (who was in Kindergarten at the time) enrolled in our local public DLI program. The class sizes were big and although he was very happy, teacher-parent communication was very limited. I wanted a school that felt more like a family. This happened the first week of pick up: Ms Mallory (the principal!!!) recognized me in the carpool line. I was shocked and impressed.

What is your favorite thing about DLINC? 

The PTO is extremely active. There are many opportunities to get involved if you want to, with zero pressure. Already after just a couple of weeks we have been invited to a book fair, lunch date with our kids, parent-teacher presentations and socials. 

I also love that charter schools have more freedom to choose curricula. I am really impressed with the authentic choices I have seen so far at DLINC. 1st grade homework is engaging, organized, and makes sense: my son knows what he is doing with very little help from me. This proves that teacher instruction is outstanding and homework is intended to consolidate concepts learnt in class, not to introduce new content- this is key! Expectations and routines are clear and well communicated.

As a linguist, what is your opinion of DLINC’s dual language instruction?  

I am a huge advocate for the Dual Language Program. I love that at DLINC the earlier years are far more immersed at 90 or 80% Spanish. I believe this model is more effective than 50/50 because the brain is so primed for language acquisition in those early years. My daughter knows her ABCs in Spanish far better than in English and I am totally OK with that - the majority language will catch up as they merge to 50/50 by 3rd grade. The focus needs to be on the minority language to really reach bilingualism and fluency. In just 4 weeks of school at DLINC, my children are speaking more Spanish at home than ever before. I am really impressed.

Would you recommend DLINC to other families and students? 

100%. Registration was a little bumpy since it was a new system the school was implementing, but once complete everything is extremely well organized. DLINC is an outstanding school and nurtures the child both academically and emotionally. For families that want to truly raise bilingual children and feel part of a community, I cannot recommend it enough.

DLINC welcomes new families to our school throughout the year. Find out more about how you can join our family and enroll today!


About Dual Language Immersion North County

Dual Language Immersion North County is an award-winning TK-8 tuition-free public charter school serving students in Vista, CA. DLINC prepares students for bright futures in a multilingual world through a safe, respectful and nurturing small charter school environment.  We offer immersion education in Spanish and English and the support to ensure student success. We partner with community organizations to take learning out of the classroom, and encourage families to be closely involved in their students' learning. Join our TK-8 tuition-free public charter school today! Enrolling Now!



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